Wednesday 12.31//Where did 2014 Go?

AM CLASSES ONLY!!! 5am, 6:30am, 8:30am

A. 10 Turkish Get Ups

B. 90 Second Double Under Test.

B. 3 Rounds Not timed// 3 Cartwheels, 10 Ring Push ups, :30 Handstand Hold 

C. 8 Min AMRAP// Shoulder to Overhead 115/75- at 8:00 do 8 burpees, at 7:00 do 7 Burpees, at 6:00 do 6 burpees, 5@5:00, 4@4:00, 3@3:00, 2@2:00, 1@1:00. Score is total reps Shoulder to Overhead.

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