I am fascinated with the way God designed our bodies to move, cope and thrive. I want to show others how to become healthy, strong, and courageous through Harvest CrossFit.

Coach MacLarin

Owner, CF-L3

Hi! I grew up playing all the typical kid sports, and found my groove in Ballet and Swimming, but never felt like I had the body for either. Nevertheless, I tried to be my best at both. After high school when I didn’t have a competitive outlet anymore, I just did the silly, go-to-the-gym-and-hope-”cute guy”-sees-me, thing. So lame.

My first quarter in college, I knew I wanted to be an accountant. After I realized I had made a mistake, my co-worker, said, "Just do Exercise Science". Having been fascinated with bones and muscles since 2nd grade, this interested me. I took a couple classes just to test the waters, and I never turned back. I graduated from Central Washington University with a B.S. in Exercise Science and a minor in Nutrition Science. 

From there, I began training at a gym/physical therapy office nearby that first exposed me to the idea of "functional fitness". I gained a lot of experience, but through that job, I also made a friend who was starting a CrossFit gym. I wanted to support him in his venture, so when Ellensburg CrossFit opened, I made Devin go with me to try it out. Once again, I never turned back. 

Devin and I got married a year later and began dreaming about our “gym we'd have someday”. For a year, we saved and a gym was just a dream of mine, but it was always real for Devin // I love that about him// The reality of this opportunity came to life in 2014 and we moved to Dallas! The last decade has been a crazy ride, and we really hope you ask us about it. It has been a testament to God's grace and provision and it's been so rad.

Now we're here!!! In beautiful little Dallas, OR to learn with you, suffer through workouts with you, and celebrate with you on all of our journeys toward health and fitness. 

I am fascinated with the way God designed our bodies to move, cope and thrive. I want to show others how to become healthy, strong, and courageous through Harvest CrossFit.

Devin in College- Fun/Luvable/Fluffy

Once upon a time Devin was a much larger and unhealthy fellow compared to what he is now...MacLarin graduated college and became a personal trainer...Devin and MacLarin agreed to get married- it was a mutual agreement...MacLarin signed Devin up to j…

Coach Devin

Owner, CF-L2, Kids Trainer, Aerobic Capacity, Conjugate Methods

Once upon a time Devin was a much larger and unhealthy fellow compared to what he is now...

MacLarin graduated college and became a personal trainer...

Devin and MacLarin agreed to get married- it was a mutual agreement...

MacLarin signed Devin up to join Ellensburg CrossFit...

In time for their wedding, Devin lost 80#...

MacLarin quit her globo gym training job and joined CrossFit as well...

Devin and MacLarin are just like any other beastly fit couple on earth, but they decided to share their CrossFit knowledge with a rad little town called Dallas (not The Dalles) Oregon...

We stay robust (sexy) by eating Paleo-ish six days a week and CrossFit training!


Enter CrossFit!...and MacLarin-

Fun/Luvable/BEAST/ *fluffy personality intact

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Head Coach Buffy-

CF-L2, CF Gymnastics

My story is not glamorous, but I think it’s one that is fairly relatable. After having 3 kids, I guess you could say that I just got tired of being/feeling fat. I had gained weight over my pregnancies, but I wanted to make a change, so I started working out at home. During this time I had been hearing about Crossfit and started to look it up online. I found the live Open announcements in 2013 and told myself, “Someday, I am going to do that.” At the end of that year, I joined my first Crossfit gym and have been in love ever since! Not only are the workouts different and challenging, but the community is amazing. It’s truly my favorite part. Something that I was missing while working out at home alone. 

 In 2016 I got the incredible opportunity to start coaching and feel like I have found my calling in life. I love being able to help people better their lives through health and fitness, especially women who might find themselves in the same place I was after having my 3 boys. 

 My favorite Benchmark workout is Diane…or basically anything with deadlifts!

 Two things I want people to know: they are cared for and loved and it’s never too late to start your own journey!

Coach Melissa.jpg

Coach Melissa-

CF-L2, Kids Trainer

I’ve played sports my whole life. Soccer and softball have been the sports I’ve loved playing the most, but I did play basketball and ran on the track team as well. Soccer is the only sport I stuck with through high school. Since then, I’ve played indoor soccer here and there and have helped coach soccer at the high school and for Kids Inc.

How I got started with CrossFit: I had lots of friends that were doing it and raving about it. I was at a point in my life that I wanted to make a change, get my endurance and strength back so I made the leap and have never once looked back. Before CrossFit, I had tried regular gyms and at home workouts, never being able to stick with them. Best decision ever!

My favorite part of coaching is getting to interact with everyone and help them gain confidence in themselves. It’s an awesome feeling when someone is surprised by their own abilities when I only gave them encouragement or helped them learn a movement a little better.

My favorite benchmark is Grace. So fun!

Fun Facts: I have 4 crazy/wonderful kids and I love pizza!


Coach Rachael

CF-L2, Pre/Postnatal Fitness Specialist

As a kid I played a few different sports here and there, but my main sport was snowboarding. I came to Harvest for a few reasons. I had started CrossFit at another local box in Salem before Harvest was open. I had to quit for about a year for school, and that’s when I met Devin and MacLarin! Mac and I worked at Starbucks together, so when I decided it was time to come back to CrossFit, I knew Harvest was the place! I walked in wanting to get fit and healthy, and I stayed because of the community! I love helping people see their full potential, and feel good about themselves. Not just in a “I’m looking amazing” way, but also helping them feel strong and confident in themselves and what they can do! Oh! and my Favorite bench mark would have to be Grace


Coach Kate-


I have played sports my entire life, sticking primarily to softball and volleyball. I have always loved the
outdoors and spent a lot a time hiking all over Oregon. My favorite hike is a trail that leads to Elkhorn Falls on the Santiam River- bluest water you will ever see.

I tried the typical gym, you know the one, you walk in, get on a machine and attempt to do the correct movements, then really only do a few reps,
wander around the place, feel a little awkward, then just go home confused and unsatisfied (my
experience at least). I have always maintained an active lifestyle but nothing compared to what I was
about to start when I stepped into Harvest. What were these crazy functional movements that varied
each day, and who are these ridiculously nice, encouraging people (Devin and Mac)? And why did this make me feel so good? I was immediately hooked. It didn’t take long for me to look forward to each
day, and each day I did things I never thought I was able to do. I was getting stronger and making PR’s
beyond my own expectations. With all this came a desire to eat healthier and live better! My only regret
is that I didn’t start Crossfit sooner! My desire to coach is similar to that of a missionary, I want everyone see what I see and to feel as good as I feel, to encourage people to keep going and believe in
themselves. I am incredibly thankful for this Crossfit family and I want everyone to come play!
My favorite benchmarks are Annie and Cindy!

Ruby Earhart

Coach Ruby


Like several of the other coaches, I also grew up playing sports. While I am still growing up, I left softball, basketball, volleyball, and swimming in high school. I played club and travel ball for most of my life, having the opportunity to travel the country, and learn the fundamental values of being a part of a team. Through sports, I gained a sense of competitiveness that still fills me today, as well as a basic understanding of how bodies move well, and sometimes poorly. When I was 11, my mom introduced me to CrossFit. She had been going for about a year and thought I would enjoy it because of my competitive spirit! The primary reason I started CrossFit was to get stronger, faster, etc. to help me find success in my other sports. However, that intention was short-lasting. As I continued in CrossFit, it quickly became my favorite sport. Surprisingly, by middle school, I was ready to be done with softball, basketball, and volleyball, and instead pursue CrossFit. My mom convinced me to stick it out through middle-school and reassess when I got to high school. For the next three years I balanced my in-season sports with CrossFit, constantly improving in them through CF. After middle school, again, I had to decide which sport group took precedence, and again I chose my faithful trio. Finally, by the time high school was over, I was so stoked for CrossFit to have all my attention! The summer before my freshman year of college, I earned my Online CrossFit Level-1 certificate. I have been coaching since then, and it completely fills me! I love teaching CrossFit, but I also love learning it as I observe the athletes around me. My favorite thing about CrossFit is seeing how amazingly our bodies work. I have full faith that God made everyone beautifully and wonderfully, and I love to see that embodied in exercise! My favorite moves in CrossFit are toes-to-bar, power cleans, and handstand pushups!

Coach Britneigh


I've been active throughout my entire life. I started with basketball and soccer at a very young age, and continued those sports through my college years. Shortly after that had ended, I knew I still needed a competitive outlet and a way to remain active, and that's when I joined my first CrossFit gym! 

I have never been a "solo athlete." I thrive in team environments and have always felt like I push myself the most when I see others around doing the exact same thing. That right there is why I LOVE CrossFit. We are all there for one thing: to encourage each other to become healthier, happier and stronger individuals.

The community, the competitive outlet to become the best version of myself, and the opportunity to encourage others to do the same is incredibly fulfilling! It's addicting to watch yourself become stronger and more confident and I am forever thankful I have the opportunity to encourage others to do do that at Harvest! 

My favorite benchmark workout is Karen! I know, people call me crazy, but come on, it's like rebounding a really awkward, slightly heavier basketball, only a 150 times..... it's my jam!

Coach Devin

USAW Level 2

I was a very active kid, and had a lot of fun playing basketball and tennis growing up. I knew that to excel at my primary sport (basketball) I needed to lift weights and become more athletic to be a better player. I fell in love with the weight room, and that slowly morphed into finding CrossFit, largely because of my wife Britneigh, and the fact that I worked with MacLarin at Starbucks cerca 2013. Now that I don’t play basketball much anymore, CrossFit is what remains, and is a fantastic outlet for my competitive side, while being a great all-around program for keeping me healthy and moving. While living in West Salem in 2021, I decided to get certified to coach group fitness classes and be a personal trainer at Kiowa Fitness in Independence, Oregon. Kiowa’s space was split in half, with one side being for group fitness classes, and the other side being dedicated to Olympic style weightlifting, which had always piqued my interest. I never learned to clean in high school, and didn’t even know what a snatch was until I had started CrossFit, so my entire experience with Oly lifting was within the confines of a CrossFit gym. I decided to try weightlifting for a year to see how it went, and I ended up adoring it. I enjoyed it so much that I got certified as a USAW Level 1 coach, and even started a weightlifting club at Dallas High School. I love the technicality and aesthetic nature of the classic lifts, and look forward to sharing my knowledge with anyone who is willing to listen! Rather unsurprisingly, my favorite benchmark workout is Isabel.

Margaret McGrady, CF-L1

As a kid, I was overweight and did not participate in sports. As an adult, I tried at-home workout videos, big box gyms, and various group classes without success. I started so many fitness attempts but couldn’t stick with them. I was so nervous when I started foundations class at Harvest, but after my first few classes, I was hooked. The constantly varied programming keeps me from getting bored, and the community is unlike anything I have been a part of. Harvest has become more than a place to work out for me. It’s a place of health, healing, fun, and happiness. My favorite benchmark workouts are the 5k run and the hero workout Murph which we do on Memorial day. I am excited to coach and help others discover how incredible health and fitness can be.

Heidi Lloyd, CF-L1

Hi, I’m Heidi!  “CrossFit is not my life, I do CrossFit so I can have a life and be awesome at it!”  This has been my mantra for over a decade, since I started CrossFit in 2012.  I have always been active and loved playing a variety of sports and doing lots of active outdoor hobbies!  I was introduced to CrossFit by a friend and just loved the variety, the challenge, and the community!  

My favorite thing about CrossFit is that it is adaptable to any person at any phase or stage of life.  My journey in CrossFit has definitely been a testament of this!  I have CrossFitted through 2 pregnancies and 2 postnatal periods, 2 cross country moves and many regional moves, working full-time, working part-time, being a full time stay-at-home homeschool mom, and weathering a pandemic!  I have been a member at  different  CrossFit gyms in different cities, I have CrossFitted alone at home in our garage gym, and I even used to CrossFit barefoot in our living room while my babies napped!  And although CrossFit has looked different at each of these different stages in my life,  I know that whether I’m skiing down a mountain, playing baseball with my kids, or shredding mountain bike trails with my hubs, It is CrossFit that provides the foundation for me to be able to flourish and do all the things I love!

When I first came to Harvest CrossFit a little over a year ago, I could immediately feel the warmth and vibrancy of the community.  I was also very impressed with the quality of coaching and the programming.  I could tell that these people (MacLarin and Devin) were doing something right!  I am honored to be a part of this incredible Gym and Coaching Staff.  I’m excited to be able to help others along in their own CrossFit journeys and help them make CrossFit into whatever they need it to be for whatever stage of life they are in!

Laura Shaw, CF-L1

Laura Shaw, CF-L1

I was raised on a farm outside of Dallas where I developed that "farm kid" strength doing my chores Like bucking hay, carrying buckets of water, walking miles of fence line and handling animals. I raised and showed horses, sheep and cattle at county and state fairs. I was always looking after my weight because I was thicker and my asthma limited my activities. I played some organized sports growing up, but chose basketball in high school. I don't remember ever setting foot in the school weight room, so I had little gym knowledge of equipment and movements. After college I moved back to the area and started my career as a Veterinary Technician. I have many hobbies and interests other than the gym like dancing, music, arts & crafts or just relaxing with the weiner dogs.

I joined Harvest in 2015 with the plan to train for OCR (Obstacle Course Racing) like Spartan. Staying active and engaged is how we improve and extend our lives. Harvest is a community, a family, that supports each other both in and outside the gym. As a true member of the 5:00 a.m. class, I wouldn't want to start my day with anyone else. I like to compete and represent Harvest whether it is teams, pairs, or individual, I even compete locally in Strongman. I am excited by all the levels of fitness that crossfit provides and am eager to help members grow and improve with every rep.

My favorite movements are deadlifting, bench press and dumbell snatches!