81120 Warming Up and Participating in Class
For Combined Time
21 Bike Cals
21 Back Squats
Rest as needed
15 Bike Cals 15 Front Squats
Rest as needed
9 Bike Cals
9 Overhead Squats
We’ve been working out outside now going on 3 weeks and for the most part you’ve all adjusted well and are getting a great stimulus day after day! That doesn’t mean that we can’t do better though as a community.
One way that you can help your coach run class more efficiently is to follow the board in order and wait for instructions. When we write the warm up and the workout there is a certain “flow” in mind which includes getting out and putting away equipment. There is really no need for confusion because there is a specific order for which class should run according to each individual workout that is clearly outlined for you and your coach. Here is an example
-The board Reads “Stuff- Barbell, 4 mats, ab-mat” this should be quick, easy, really clear, not confusing at all. Well Ron, fully with good intentions, reads down the board and sees the Rx weight and starts getting it out (it doesn’t say to get out any weight and actually the coach is going to explain which weight to get). Tammy, who is new, sees Ron grabbing weight, wonders how much weight to grab, is now confused, panicking, and asking the coach who is trying to help organize the class, “how much weight should I grab?” (it’s going to be discussed later). Felicia, who initially got out the correct equipment sees Tammy walking out with a stack of weights, decides to run and grab weight right as coach is moving on. Felicia comes out and goes, “Coach what are we doing???” And you can see how it continues and what was a wonderfully crafted flow of a warm up has now been derailed by one or two innocently-zealous veterans.
I understand that in the format that includes a self-led general warm-up, there can be some wait time and getting out stuff or going off script is tempting, but remember that the general warm up is self-lead so that you may start early in order to do extra warm up or stretching.
We want everyone to have an awesome experience every day, and you can do your part by staying on track so your coach can best focus and your fellow CrossFitters aren’t confused!