QWOD// everybody
light jog until you break a sweat
Skipping. Butt kickers. Caraeoca. Fig-4 stretch. leg swings. Calf stretch. Quad stretch. Clappers. Fast high knees 4x20.
Jog 30-50m: 50%, 75%, 75%, 75%, 90%
the length of your warm up should be determined by your flexibility and age. Cory Kittleson- Minimal To no warm up needed/ Tony Broadus- around 90 minutes to warm up is a good start😂
In all seriousness, pulling a hamstring can sideline you for months and can become a habitual injury. Warm up well or suffer major consequences! You’ve been warned. When you think you’re warm, warm up more. These are short sprints with ample rest. “Saving yourself” for the workout is pure foolishness and you will hurt yourself. Do you need more warnings? You’ve been warned!
On a running clock- Sprint 100m every 4:00 for 8 sprints.
your score is your perceived effort from 1-10. 1=you paced it and sprinted the last one or two/ 10= Couldn’t run faster with a gun to your head.