For Time

100 Double Unders

21 Burpees

75 Double Unders

15 Burpees

50 Double Unders

9 Burpees

scale double unders to single unders x2

Workout 2 of 3 for the Support Your Local Box Fundraiser. Anyone can participate in the Support Your Local Box Fundraiser. Payment is not required. We unders...

Warm Up-

5 Burpees. 35 single unders

5 Burpees. 10 double unders

5 Burpees. 15 Double unders

5 burpees. 20 double unders

practice double unders further as needed!


40 Jumping Jacks

15 Burpees

30 jumping jacks

12 Burpees

20 Jumping Jacks

9 Burpees

Devin JonesComment