Warm Up- leg swings, ankle circles, 30 jumping jacks or small hops to warm up your ankles

building tuck jumps. 1-2-3-4-5-6

Stretch quads. 20-30 air squats

Teens and Kids//

Warm Up- 3x 15 squats. 15 sit ups. 10 prone snow angel.

A- Alternating Tabata Sets for 8 minutes. Hug Squats and Push Ups (Kids 4:00)

1:00 Rest

B- Alternating Tabata Sets for 8 minutes. Sit Ups and Ball Hops (jump over the ball)(kids 4:00)

1:00 Rest

C- Tabata sets for 4 minutes. Burpees (Kids 2:00)

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