Warm Up- 10 pause squat, 10 regular paced squat. stretch, hamstrings, quads and calves. 10 Fast Squats


Warm Up- 3x 50 Jump Rope Singles, 10 Sit Ups, 10 Lunges

Practice Medicine ball clean- 10 Med ball deadlift- 10 med ball hang squat clean- 10 Med ball squat Clean from the floor.

About 20 yards each of- Butt kickers, skipping, high knee caraeoca, quick caraeoca.

WOD// 5 rounds for time of

15 Med Ball Cleans

20 AbMat Sit up


-practice jump rope for 3:00

-practice head stands for 3:00

Workout// 6:00 hold a plank as long as possible, every time your knee touches, you have to stand up and do 5 perfect squats

Game// Test how far you can throw your red medicine ball and decide which way is the best to throw it!

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