
foam roller free time, group stretch on Zoom, or on your own.

15 burpee air squat. Leg swings. Arm swings. :30 squat hold. 25 air squats, starting slow and speeding up

The difficulty of the back scale can be moderated by adjusting the level of the torso and rear leg as well as the duration of the hold. Begin with a small be...

The difficulty of the front scale can be moderated by adjusting the height of the leg as well as the duration of the hold. Regardless of the height of the le...


Warm Up

10 Medicine Ball Dead Lift

10 Med Ball hang Squat Clean

10 Med Ball Squat Clean from the floor

10 Burpees

10 Lunges

10 Hug Lunges


For Time

60 Hug Lunges

100 Lunges

Every minute, including the first one, do 4 burpees before you starte lunging again!


20 Tuck Jumps. Run around the outside of the house twice. 10 perfect push ups


4:00 10 Ball Slams 5 hug squats

Game// Time how long you can hold a plank without putting your knees on the floor. Try as many times as you want. Write down your score somewhere!

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