5 Rounds For Time
10 Deadlift 225/135
10 Handstand Push Up
10 Box Jump 24/20
Teen WOD//
-warm up by jogging and doing sit ups
-practice your handstands or cartwheels for 5 minutes. Handstands against the wall if it’s ok with mom or dad, or free standing away from stuff you might fall and crash on.
For Time
25 Push-Up
50 Lunges
50 Push-Up
100 Lunges
ask mom or dad to set a clock for 5:00
As Many rounds as you can
5 Air Squats
5 Sit Ups
5 Burpees
*kids and teens! Mac and I miscommunicated about fees this month. We meant to pro-rate this month and never finalized it in our system. Sorry for the confusion and inconvenience! We will apply that pro-rate to the next bill unless you have other circumstances. Let Mac know if you’d prefer we refund you and re-charge your account. Sorry again for our miscommunication.