9.12.17 Lunch Break


5 Rounds for Time

Run 400m

10 Dead Lift 225/135

15 Toes to Bar


How long do you get for lunch? Are you the boss?--How much do you take for lunch? As a school teacher, if I even ate lunch, my 40 minutes off would look like this. Most likely looking at my computer, cramming down whatever I brought, drinking a second sugary coffee drink, all while reading about sports or looking at CrossFit stuff. I ate so fast because I was distracted that I would look down and be surprised that my lunch disappeared. "hey who ate my lunch?" Then back to work, because if I get some stuff done now, I can leave earlier. I was unsatisfied (still hungry), and not really mentally or physically prepared for the afternoon since I just got back to work early. I don't know about you guys, but when I cram more food down than I should, I'm initially unsatisfied, and then bloated and tired by the time my fullness cues set in, and for me that looks like...nap time. How productive are you during nap time. 

Try this. If you get an hour for lunch, take an hour for lunch. Lets break it down, take 20-30 minutes to eat. Only eat too. Put away your phone and don't look at your computer. This is a lot easier if you get up and go away from your working space to eat. Have a conversation with co-workers or just really try to enjoy your meal by eating every bite mindfully and taking in the whole food experience. Our fullness cues take a little bit of time to kick in. And like I said earlier, eating too fast doesn't satisfy initially, but then puts you to sleep once everything catches up. 30 minutes down, and we still have 30 minutes left.

If you work a sedentary job, (desk job) this next part is vital. Take a walk (even if it's raining or snowing. A 15-20 minute walk can do wonders to de-stress and get ready for the afternoon. And don't go on a walk because it's a chore, or because coach said so. Go on a walk because you like being outside, or because you like not working for a little while, or at very least because you can tolerate not working for 20 more minutes. One hour of intense exercise at HCF is still only one hour of movement out of 24 in a day. Go back to work for the second half of your day refreshed, satisfied and productive!

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