9.11.17// On Programming


every 2 minutes for 30 minutes

3 Power Snatch

- you can increase the load after each 10 minutes (5 sets) 


Programming is simply figuring out what we're doing for the workout. In the CrossFit and fitness world, it has been elevated to an art form. At HCF between myself(Devin) and our other coaches, we've come up with over 700 unique workouts! I don't see our creativity drying up anytime soon but I think it would be cool and educational to extend an invite to you guys to come up with some wods of your own! Just message Devin your ideas and they just might show up in the program. Here are the basics, but there really aren't any rules.

M stands for monostructural conditioning or what would traditionally be thought of as cardio exercises-- running, rowing, jump rope, ski-erg, bikes if we had them(when we get them). 

W is weightlifting- anything weighted

G is gymnastics or Bodyweight movements

Combine these elements in as many different ways as possible. 

Here are a couple of examples from recent Wods

M- Run 5k

WG- 18 Min EMOM/AMRAP 6 DB snatch 6 Box jump AMRAP push-ups

MWG- 7 Minutes 20 Face the Bar Burpee 20 Squat Clean thruster AMRAP rowing Calories  

some other things you should consider is keeping workouts to 1,2, or 3 movements and choosing complimentary movements like a push and a pull- thrusters and pull-ups.

I'm excited to see what you come up with! You just might see it on the board! 

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