Memorial Day

Memorial Day schedule:

there is only class at 2//3//4pm tomorrow!

Go to to find out more about why CrossFitters all over the nation are doing this Hero WOD on Monday. It's not to make you fitter; in fact, it's probably going to mess you up for training the rest of the week. 

Did you know that Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day, with the intention that the nation would ritually decorate the war graves? This special day has been celebrated for 150 years and we are honored to be hosting this event to remember our fallen heroes. 

When you show up to do Murph, please warm up, and start the workout at a time on the clock that will be easy to do math with when you are finished. There will be a running clock for you to reference. If you registered for Murph at, don't forget you can enter your score online afterward. 

Eat some carbs, drink some water, get some sleep, and we'll see ya tomorrow!

Devin JonesComment