Announcements 5.22.17
Memorial Day's WOD is "Murph". Everyone will do it and yes, we will have a Mini Murph scaled version. You are still strongly encouraged to participate even if you did not register online. Your effort will still count and be recorded for next year!
The class times available for Murph on Memorial Day will be as follows:
Please RSVP for the hour in which you would like to START Murph. Class will be structured similar to the Open where you will come in, warm up on your own, and start the Hero WOD when you're ready. We will have a warm up on the board that will prepare you for all the movements. There will be a running clock and you will be in charge of monitoring your time. It is going to be hot and it is going to suck, but we're not really doing this in the name of fitness. Prepare your body and mind for the heat and know that you will have many suffering alongside you. It will take some of us more than an hour to complete, so please plan accordingly keeping in mind we would like to wrap up around 5. Join us for a BBQ afterwards to celebrate! Current plans are to have a potluck at the gym ~6pm.
M/W CROSSFIT KIDS will not have class on Memorial Day, but will join the T/TH crew on Tuesday. If this is an issue, please talk to Devin.
There will not be CROSSFIT KIDS from June 1st through June 8th. June payments will reflect the week off and Coach Devin will be assigning a homework packet for the kids.
See you tomorrow!