Week of 4.9-4.13


12:00 AMRAP with a partner

Row Meters and switch partners every 50 Double unders

Tuesday// Overhead Squat



25:00 AMRAP

10 Hang Power Clean 135/95

10 OTB Burpees

rest 1:00

10 S2OH 135/95

10 OTB Burpees

Rest 1:00


7 rounds for time

14 Dumbell Snatch 50/30

14 Box Jumps 24/20

Run 100m


With a Partner

15:00 AMRAP

20 Sand Bag Box Step Over 100/80

100m Sandbag Carry


WOD 1.A// 7 Minutes to find The lady's ' 1rm Clean and Jerk and mens' 1rm Snatch. Scaled  Girl-Girl teams will choose one athlete for each lift.

WOD 1.B// 5 Minutes to complete 'Isabel' for the men, and 'Grace' for the women. One Barbell and alternating reps. Rx 95lbs Scaled 75#. Scaled Girl-Girl 65#. Scaled women will choose one person for each

WOD 2// 1200m Relay. Each athlete runs 2 legs of 300m each. 

WOD 3// TBA (and it will be nasty)🤢😐👯💥😖😵💩 


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