
Friday's WOD

16 Minute EMOM (every minute on the minute)

3 Clean and Jerk* 

*Start at a moderate weight with the option to increase at the 4:00, 8:00, and 12:00 marks if they look and feel good.

There is a lot happening at Harvest CrossFit right now!

First of all, this Saturday, we are going bowling! Please RSVP on Facebook so I know how many lanes to reserve. 6pm at Starlite Lanes in Dallas. 

The New You program will be finishing up on April 14th and you will see those ladies filtering into our existing class schedule. To facilitate the influx in membership, we will be requiring that you RSVP for class starting April 17th. Don’t freak out. It’s easy.

Log into ZenPlanner on your computer or using the app and go to the calendar. Click on the day you want to reserve, then click the “reserve” button next to the class you will attend. It’s that easy! Please start practicing now, so you will be in the habit when it counts! There will be 16 spots available at each class… UNTIL WE MOVE!!! That’s right – If you haven’t heard, HCF is moving to Main Street this summer! We are so excited to be adding more value to your membership and we will fill you in on all the details as we get closer to the moving date.

April 15th – Partner Throwdown benefitting Compassion First

Please join us for an in house competition that will help fund a shelter in Indonesia for young girls rescued from sex trafficking. The divisions for this event are MF Rx (there will be no DUs or Muscle Ups programmed) // MF Scaled// FF Scaled. The cost for this event is $50 per team. Please ring yourself up at the kiosk on the counter for either your team, or yourself individually. Sign your team up on WOD board. 1st – 3rd finishers will be recognized in each division. If you are nervous to sign up just because we’re calling it a “competition”, don’t be. This will be a great place to experience friendly competition and support a cause worthy of your time, money and any nerves you have. We want more FF Scaled teams, so ladies, don't be shy! Sign up!

Retail Kiosk

Please use the iPad kiosk on the counter in the front room to ring yourself up for Progenex and FitAid. If you need to figure out your sign in password, talk to Devin or MacLarin. Your password is the same one used to log in to Zen Planner to reserve classes.

April 19th – Bod Pod

Body Pod Pros will be back on April 19th to do body composition testing for Harvest athletes and their friends and family. If you bought the package deal in March, you will use your email to apply your discount when signing up for a time slot. If you need to purchase a test, click their red BOOK NOW button and select the 1X test at HCF for a single test. Go to bodypodpros.com to sign up for a composition reading.

New Coaches

We encourage you all to increase your knowledge and wisdom about CrossFit. One way of doing that is to read the Level 1 Training Guide, the coursebook to the also encouraged Level 1 Trainer course. Chris and Melissa Turner took that course last weekend! They are interested in coaching at HCF and have begun assistant coaching this week. After they have had experience head coaching classes, they will transition into independent coaching. We know that Chris and Melissa’s unique abilities will add value to your membership and we encourage you to tell them what you appreciate about them as they take on additional ownership in HCF. We will always strive to provide you with excellent training and welcome any questions and feedback you have concerning any HCF coaches. Be sure to congratulate Chris and Melissa on their hard work!


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