112717// Stress and exercise
22:00 AMRAP
1 Rope Climb
7 Handstand Push Up (Handstand Hold to scale)
10 Box Jump 24/20
Run 1/2 Lap
Two Holiday’s down! Multiple more to go though! What is that like for you? Excited to celebrate with family? Or stressed to make everything clean enough for your in-laws? Nervous about what crazy things your racist cousin is going to say in front of your kids? Take a moment and really ask yourself how you feel about attending the multiple parties of the season where you notoriously eat or drink too much. I think that the famous new year’s resolution to get in shape really comes from the fact that we all feel like lumps of dough after partying for 3 months. I had a little realization this weekend on combatting that.
Yah you can have a specific game plan for staying somewhat in track eating. Eat slow, use dietary displacement, make sure there are healthy options to focus on. There’s a lot to be said for movement though. I ate a lot of tasty food and drank a few special drinks (you can literally make any kind of drink imaginable from my parent’s collection) , but I also did a lot of sitting. Lounging, and watching movies, reading. Dominoes and darts are not ecercise. A vicious cycle began— Sitting until it hurts and then unfolding myself from the couch. I understand now how sedentary people become more and more sedentary. Standing up to achy knees and a sore neck, the last thing you want to do is some squats and push ups. After not moving all day Thursday, we mustered up the motivation to train on Friday, and boy was it painful.
This Holiday season, you gotta move. Don’t tell me you can’t come work out because you’re busy entertaining family or stressed with all that. Exercise is what helps us cope with those situations so much better! There’s not any schedule that wouldn’t be made better with an hour of exercise with your friends.
It has nothing to do with “working off the calories,” or making up for our less than ideal food choices. It’s about your sanity and fitness!
Some relative, “Oh are you going to exercise to work off the pie?”
“No I’m going to work out so that we’re still relatives this time next year!”
Here’s a list of non-CrossFit ideas (because you should be coming to CF anyway)
1. Family Fun Run
2. Rock Boxx
3. Bike rides
4. Golf
5. Bowling
6. Post dinner walk
7. Catch— frisbee, football, baseball