112217// Thankfulness

I am very thankful that you all are awesome enough to let us close the gym for a day to celebrate with our family. We’re so greateful for awesome coaches who are as passionate about your fitness as we are! 


Thanksgiving// Closed

Friday// 8:30am, Noon, 4:30pm, 5:30pm

Saturday// Closed


Think back to Thanksgivings past. Afterwards, bloated on the couch. Can’t hold in your tummy. Sleepy food coma. Did you ever wake up and say to yourself, “Man! I’m so glad I ate so much it hurt!”.... Me neither. Eat all the special foods. Drink the special drinks. Do it slowly though. Take your time, and if there is a big variety to sample, just start with really small portions. You will be satisfied. And when your great aunt Pam is getting all self conscious and pushy because you’re too full for seconds. Politely say, “Your food was awesome, but I would love you even if it was gross! I don’t need to eat more to prove I love you.” (Also, don’t be great aunt Pam. We love you but you also suck for our progress.)


Here’s a home workout if you want one// 

6 minutes total

1 minute AMRAP Burpees

5 minutes to run as far as possible



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