Warm Up// Learn Turkish Get Ups- 12 Turkish Get Ups// Learn Kettle Bell Clean & Press- 20 KBC&P


10 Min AMRAP

10 Pull Ups

10 DL (200/135)


\\Rest\\Chat\\Water\\Stretch\\Trivia\\Exchange Paleo Recipes\\Full Recovery


10 Min AMRAP

10 Push Ups

10 KB Clean and Press (53/35)

FRIDAY 9.26.14 @ 12:00PM-1:00PM// The Dallas Chamber of Commerce will be holding our welcoming Ribbon-cutting ceremony// The actually cutting shall be at roughly 12:30pm!

SATURDAY 9.27.14 8:30-11:30// Grand Opening Workout and Breakfast Party! We'll be coaching short workouts @ 8:30, 9:30, and 10:30. And if you participate in the workout, we'll feed you. Breakfast. Real Breakfast, none of that bran muffin low fat trash. Various Traditional Breakfast meats and Eggs!

MONDAY 9.29.14 7:30PM// PALEO NUTRITIONAL SEMINAR! MacLarin and I will be giving a fun and interesting lecture on the Paleo diet and the structure of the October Paleo Challenge!

And if you haven't seen it already, we now have 5:30am mon-fri



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