Monday 9.22.14// Who's who of CrossFit part 1
Back Squat 8-6-5x4
BWC// In between squat sets
4xME hold in support on rings
MetCon// "14.1" with a kettle bell //
AMRAP 10 Minutes
15 Kettle Bell Snatch (53/35)
30 Double Unders (2:1)
CrossFit has a very short history, but I consider it to be very rich regardless. A fun//and optional// part of CrossFitting is becoming engrossed in the global culture and history of CrossFit. Many athletes//like myself//follow the sport and community like any other well informed sports fan.
Here is just a brief list of Me and MacLarin's favorite influential CrossFit Coaches. Check them out on the youtubes and instagram!
Kelly Starrett- Founder and owner of San Francisco CrossFit. PHD physical therapy. Author of Becoming a Supple Leopard and Ready to Run (we'll be doing a gym book study on this one when it drops)
Carl Paoli- Coach at San Francisco CrossFit. Operates Author of Free+Style.
Dianne Fu- Olympic Weight Lifting Coach. She's special because she's the only influential woman Oly coach in the game right now. Also from SF CrossFit