Labor Day Workout 9.1.14// Fair Food Confessional

Dynamic Warmup


1. Kipping Pull-up progression

2. Strict Pull-up 5x5, scale using the lightest band possible. Add load if you have 10 Pull-ups unbroken.

3. Hand Stand Progression- We'll see where you're at and work from there!


6 min AMRAP

30ft Handstand Walk (Bear Crawl Scale)

10 Air Squats

8 Sit-ups

6 Jumping Lunges

Yesterday, MacLarin and I went to the fair. We're not proud of what we did, but we're ready to confess what we ate and put it behind us. If only my confession began at the fair, but to start my day, I drank a Pumpkin Spice Latte at church. And after church some friends treated us to lunch. I had a breakfast burrito and MacLarin had a burger. The Oregon State Fair is pretty impressive. I would've preferred to go to the Kittitas County fair and know absolutely every human including some of the traveling folk who run the rides and games. Eating the way we did yesterday would have proven much harder at the Kittitas County fair with students or friends yelling from afar, "THATS NOT PALEO JONESY!!!"

1. UMPQUA ice cream bar

2. Funnel Cake

3. Deep Fried Twinky

4. Italian Ice

5. Corn Dog

6. Brick of Curly Fries

7. Elephant ear

#2-7 were all shared between the two of doesn't make it any better

We'll see how we hold up in today's workout considering for a major portion, we'll be upside down. 

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