Tuesday Workout and one mini rant about Food!
Tuesday 8.12.14 //Day 2 of Harvest CrossFit's free Trial Week//
Warmup- Cleans with a Medball// learning how to clean!
BWC (bodyweight conditioning)- 3 rounds not timed- 30 second handstand hold //now don't freak out, we're going to scale and teach!// 10 ring rows.
Metabolic Conditioning- 5 RFT (rounds for time) 15 KBS (53/35) 15 Pushups 15 TTB// 15 min time cap.
*For you experienced CrossFitters, comment below and tell me what will be so spicy about the MetCon. Can you see it?
ok so as an educator, I would always see kids with their 'healthy snacks'. They'd be like granola bars or cheesy fish. I'd say "Granola Bar? really?" "uhh yah Mr. Jones, whole grains!" It's like saying "uhh yah Mr. Jones, my mother only buys the finest of poison to feed me with." Eating candy and cheats doesn't bother me, what bothers me is fake healthy food. A Cliff Bar should taste way better considering it's just as bad as a Snicker's bar! Just eat a Snicker's bar!