Harvest CrossFit's favorite things// What to buy the CrossFitter in your life
Not necessarily in this order//
BB// 12 Minutes to find your 1RM Push Jerk or Split Jerk out of the rack
MetCon// For time- Row 1k/50 Wall Balls/ Row 1k
BWC// 3 rounds not timed- :30 Handstand Hold or 7 Negatives/ 2 Turkish Get ups
Kettle Bell// 16 Turkish Get Ups
Speed&Plyo // Burpee 20 yard Shuttle x 4- full recovery
BWC// 3 Rounds not timed- :30 Plank hold/ 4-8 pull-ups
MetCon// For time- Row 1k then 5 rounds of: 10 Wall Balls, 10 AbMat Sit Ups
Bonus: Mobility
If this is your first Christmas as a CrossFit athlete, your friends and family are stoked, you're officially the easiest to shop for this season. 'Oh Mom's into CrossFit, done and done, CrossFit stuff, what do you want? Now I can focus on Dad, he's impossible to shop for!'
BUT the only thing is, you might not even know what you want. Most of our athletes are completely new to the CF world. Here is what you want//
1. Reebok CrossFit Nanos// The 'NANO' is your do-it-all GPP Shoe. We especially like the wide toe box, even if you don't think you have wide feet, you'll appreciate it. Nike is rumored to be releasing their 'metcon tr' in February, which I will be trying, but for now, the Nano is the best CrossFitting shoe. There are 4 versions currently and they release a new one each year, but any version is solid. $60-if you can find them on sale at an outlet. $80 for older versions or ugly colors. $119 online. $140 personalized.
2. Olympic Lifting Shoes// Oly Shoes have straps so you can press super hard against the side wall for stability and torque. The main advantage of wearing Oly Shoes though, is the raised and solid heel which simply makes it easier to squat deep with an upright torso. Some people might tell you that Oly shoes will make you less flexible because it requires less flexibility to squat deep. They're full of crap. Wearing Oly shoes for the olympic lifts and squatting actually helps improve your mobility (flexibility+stability). But this blog post is about sweet stuff, not science, I won't get into it. Oly Shoes can get spendy $150+, but you can find older Reeboks or other brands for >$100 if you're diligent. Typically we want to only wear these shoes when Oly Lifting or squatting, but you could slap them on for some MetCons, so long as they don't include running. Don't run in Oly shoes.
3. Jump Rope// Your Box has one million jump ropes, your Box has maybe 3 good jump ropes. It's not that we prefer to have 30 janky ropes hanging on our wall, they just get used a lot. A solid bearing rope from Rogue or Againfaster will only set you back $20ish. Stay away from anything that costs less than that. It's a personal piece of equipment, you'll use it a lot, and you'll get way better at double unders with the length dialed in. $20 a great 'what do we get mommy?' gift.
4. Wrist Wraps// First of all, your front rack sore wrists are mainly from a lack of flexibility somewhere, upper back, triceps, hips, ankles even. But, with high volume pressing- benching- strict press- pushups- hspu etc., some wrist wraps can bring you some relief. There are two main types. Cloth wraps for some reason are more expensive than the velcrow and elastic type, but both are comfortable and useful for several movements. $12 for velcrow and elastic. $25+ for Cloth. Do not buy wraps that have a double back type of closure that uses a plastic clip type of thingy. Also, don't buy leather and buckle wrist wraps...Unless you're really into 'Game of Thrones' or larping.
5. Lululemon// Lululemon to a CrossFitter is like Diamonds to a regular woman...Costs about as much too though:/
6. 'Becoming a Supple Leopard' by Dr. Kelly Starette// Very informative is an understatement. It will be remembered as the most influential book in Athletic performance. It's already being used as a text in University Sports Medicine and Physical Therapy Schools. $60 I think
7. Stocking Stuffers// Kill Kliff and/or FitAid (recovery drinks). Perfect Foods Bars. Athletic Tape.
8. Home Gym equipment//Med Ball, AbMat, Rings, Band, Pull up bar, Kettlebell. But Devin, aren't you afraid of people setting up their own Garage CrossFit box and quitting Harvest CrossFit? I'll use my Mother in Law as a perfect example. The woman has a Keurig and Virismo. You think she doesn't still go to Starbucks? Exactly. You can find some sweet deals from prlifting.com. Rogue and Again Faster are just solid, but a bit spendy. Absolutely do NOT get your CrossFit equipment from Dicks, Sports Authority, or NW Fitness in Salem. Talk about Highway Robbery.
9. T-shirts. There are a lot of super funny and inappropriate CrossFit themed t-shirts that I will never wear myself, but HCF will embrace whatever filth you feel like wearing to the gym:)
10. A massage// I should be getting kick backs from your Chiropractor;)