Thursday 10.30.14 workout//LAST DAY HCF Paleo Challenge!

14 Turkish Get Up

extended mobility and hamstring warmup// we don't need anyone poppin' a hammy!

20 Min EMOM alternating

20 yard shuttle sprint

10-12 russian kettle bell swings

Sprinting is important! Changing directions is important! As we advance in age, a lot of athletes default to running long slow distances. Sure there are plenty of benefits to distance running and at Harvest CrossFit, we embrace the endurance community with open arms, but if all you do is run long and slow, that's what it'll condition you for//long and slow. We're ok with long (cardio respiratory endurance), but slow isn't a fitness domain! 

Tomorrow is the last day of the challenge! We think that it's been a great experience for everyone who tried// and we hope that many of you choose to continue making nutrition a priority no matter what nutrition philosophies you follow! Your fitness is a your own grand experiment of one!

Run Fast and Hard//Lift Fast and Heavy//Stay healthy

Devin Jones1 Comment