Harvest OLYpedia Vol. 1
Harvest CrossFit is as much of an education as it is everything else//general physical preparedness program, social place, den of wild animals. This is our first installment of Harvest OLYpedia// a resource that you can use to remind you what certain Olympic Weightlifting terms we use at Harvest look like. Don't worry, there won't be a pop quiz, and you certainly do not need to memorize these terms either because we will always and forever remind you and review them in class before we do them!
1st Thing you need to know// Olympic Weight Lifting is a sport of two events.
1. The Snatch- The barbell and weight travel from ground to overhead without stopping on the athlete's shoulders.
2. The Clean and Jerk- Two parts- The clean- The barbell and weight travel from ground to the front racked position. The Jerk- The barbell travels again to the overhead position.
Those are the lift definitions but on the workout board, we see a lot of different terms to add specificity to the exercise for different intended stimuli. WTF is a High Hang Squat clean and Power Jerk?
Starting position
Snatch Finish
Clean and Jerk
Starting Position
Front Racked// Clean ends// Jerk Begins
Finished Jerk
To simplify these lifts we often begin from the "hang" position, which is when the lift doesn't begin with the bar on the floor. If you don't see the word 'hang', just assume that it starts from the ground.
known as the 'low hang', 'tops of the knee', or we like to call it the launch.
Mid-Thigh. If we just say "hang-snatch" This is where we'll start from. It's where all the magic happens!
We can even start from up here. the 'high hang' or we commonly call it the 'pockets'.
we like to call it the launch because thats where we really start to accelerate through the second pull.
The mid-thigh is the fastest and most powerful portion of the entire clean. You can't bring your hips to the bar from here faster. Always Faster!
When we start from the pockets, we really don't have the power from the second pull and have to quickly shrug and pull under the bar.
We use a couple different terms to specify which position to receive the barbell.
Power Snatch//receive the barbell in a partial squat, anything above parallel would be considered a power snatch.
"squat-snatch" receiving the barbell in a full squat. The squat snatch, squat clean, power snatch and power clean all end when you've fully stood up.
Not pictured- Split- the snatch and the clean can also be caught in a split like the Jerk below.
Power Clean// The universal lift of every single high school and college athletic program.
The squat is the most efficient variation of the lift, because you don't have to pull the barbell as high. In the clean, you only really need to pull it to your bellybutton if you can get under deep enough.
Jerk- From the front racked position the athlete uses his legs and arms to drive the barbell overhead simultaneously driving himself below the barbell and bending his knees to accommodate for the needed space
Power Jerk or Push Jerk. Receive the barbell in a small dip.
not pictured. Squat Jerk//flexibility accommodating, some athletes can catch the jerk in a full squat!
Wow that was a lot of information for one volume! Of course there is much much more. For example, how should I move between these positions? Like what muscles do I use? Another Volume for another time. At least now you know what a High Hang squat snatch is!
Remember// Olympic weight lifting can be potentially dangerous. Only practice it under the supervision of an experienced coach like Devin or MacLarin// or at your own risk.