Tuesday 10.21.14//OMG! Shuz!


16 Turkish Get ups


3 rounds not timed

ME strict Chin-ups

HSPU Progression- choose 1

10 HSPU-strict or kipping

6 HSPU Negatives

30 Second HS Hold


Kettlebell Swings for time (100rx/75int/50beg)

full rest

Burpees for time (100rx/75int/50beg)

full rest

100 Double Unders for time (3:1 scale)

score is total working time.

Athletes have been asking me about shoes.

As you get deeper and deeper into your CrossFit enthrallment, you'll inevitably accrue multiple pairs of shoes. EX: met-con//oly//power//running//recovery//slips//met-con to wear with jeans//met-con in a third color etc. *Most* of them serve a purpose.

You'd do just fine though in one all purpose shoe to start. Here's what to look for. A. Zero Drop//that is- your forefoot is the same distance off the ground as your heel. B. Bomb proof// something that can handle everything and multiple washings. C. Stiff rubber sole// the days of the squishy sole are long and over, we have awesome cushioning mechanisms in our knees and hips. Soft soles prevent us from making a good connection with the ground.

Reebok CrossFit Nano


newbalance minimus

Merell (the zero drop//non-hiking boot variety)

Converse Chuck Taylor or All Stars



Devin Jones2 Comments