For Total Reps (26:00 Clock)

1:00 Burpees

1:00 HSPU

1:00 Rest

2:00 Burpees

2:00 Sit Ups

2:00 Rest

3:00 Burpees

3:00 Split Jumps

3:00 Rest

2:00 Burpees

2:00 Sit-Ups

2:00 Rest

1:00 Burpees

1:00 HSPU

Warm Up

General Cardio 4-6 minutes

Handstand Hold. Headstand Hold. 5:00 Handstand free time. practice Handstands or HSPU

Kids WOD//

Try to do the adult workout as long as possible! see if you can keep working out for the full 26 minutes!

Devin JonesComment