41020 Full Send Friday

QWOD// Adults and Kids

12:00 Rotating Tabata

  • Burpees

  • Tuck Jumps

  • Sit Ups

    -Score is Total Reps

Warm Up- General Cardio until you break a sweat (jog, bike, jump rope)

Jump rope- 50 single unders then 3:00 double under practice

Build up to a full height tuck jump and do 20 tuck jumps

Teens WOD//

10 Rounds for time

12 Medicine Ball Deadlift

9 Medicine Ball Hang Squat Clean

6 Medicine Ball toss against the wall (short dip and throw- aka a wall ball without the full squat)

Warm Up- 3x Jog 100m, 10 squats, 5 push ups, 10 prone snow angel

Practice 20 full medicine ball cleans.

Practice each movement in the workout

Medicine ball dead lift- flat back, hip hinge, ball starts from the floor, arms stay long, stand up ALL THE WAY

Medicine ball hang squat clean- Start holding the ball at your hips from standing, jump and shrug, pull under into a squat, stand up all the way before returning the ball to your hips.

Medicine Ball Toss- small dip and drive, throw the ball as high as possible or as high as you have room for.

Devin JonesComment