Good Morning!
I’m so thankful to those of you who have been gracious as Devin and I navigate COVID alongside you.
Here’s what we know:
Two people have tested positive that regularly attend HCF. I can’t tell you who, but this is Dallas, so you’ll find out. Contact tracing has concluded that neither individuals contracted the virus from HCF. Polk County Health has also said that gyms are not a source of concern, but close gatherings
Both individuals have been directed to stay home for a duration that I think is 10 days, at which point they are considered non-contagious and immune.
Both of the affected people were instructed by Polk County Health to inform people they had been in personal, close contact (<6ft) with for more than 15 continuous minutes WITHOUT a face covering on. Based on that description, neither of them were required to inform us, but since we’re friends, they knew we’d be checking on them soon!
There is of course the probability that this will continue to be the scenario until we are all immune. Since affected individuals are not required to tell me that they’ve tested positive, I have no way of knowing how many cases have come through HCF. I don’t plan to make PSA’s about this on a regular basis. Please assume that cases will continue to pop up and we will respond with the guidance we receive from Polk County Health. Polk County Health has also said that gyms are not a source of concern, but close, personal gatherings are the ones that should be avoided. We will continue to take precaution and if Polk County Health advises us to give you further information, we definitely will!
We love you,
Tuesday’s WOD:
20:00 AMRAP
10 Chest to Bar
10 Burpees
30 Box Step Ups
LET’S GO! :)