111919 Post Open
2 Rounds for time
Row 500m
80 Walking Lunges
40 Toes to Bar
This is the first year of the CrossFit Open happening in the fall. Every year until now, it’s been in February/March, leading into the spring and summer. It was a great time to focus in on that Summer bod. I’m interested to see how it leads into a different season now though. Typically, after the Open, everyone has a good idea of where they’re at and what they’d like to work on for the rest of the year. What are some goals that popped up after this year’s Open? Leading into this long winter season, full of parties and gluttony, it would be cool to use those goals as accountability to not fly completely off the rails this holiday season. Make a goal, and settle in. This is a great time to lean into and focus on your training!