72618 How to Bounce Back
200 Double Unders
40 Toes to Bar
Run 500m
AMRAP Power Cleans 205/135
Have you ever taken a moment off? Vacation? Sickness maybe? Busy life season? Ya'll go on vacation and trips pretty regularly and come back to train no problem, but sometimes for whatever reason, a work trip or vacation or sickness extends into a couple days after you're back, and then a couple of days passes and you're getting comfortable not training, and then what happened? I just paid for 4 months and haven't seen Devin or Mac even once! You completely planned on coming back the day after Cabo, but.... haven't.
First of all, before leaving for a trip or vacation or when you get sick, make it a priority to come train regardless of how you feel. If anything, feeling disgusting and heavy and bloated from partying for a couple of weeks should be a great motivator to come train! Do not wait until you're excited for CrossFit because it obviously might never happen! Act differently than how you feel!
What is the worst that can happen when you come back? Mark makes fun of you a little for not being around for a while? That’s not that bad, and you’ll only catch a little flack because people love you and like training with you. We’ll have a good chuckle and get back down to business!
Or are you just afraid of how hard it will be? If you haven’t noticed, every WOD is supposed to challenge you. Maybe you’ll go a little slower, use less weight, etc. but that’s not a big deal. I’m in really good shape, but I don’t really think I know what it feels like to be in good shape. Every WOD is humbling!