71718 Education improves compliance!
You need to improve your nutrition! We all do! If you're doing the world hardest workouts, the needle needs to be moving in the right direction in all areas of your health. If it's not, your nutrition is the only thing left to look at... it should've been the first thing, but luckily it's never too late.
Eat Meats and Vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar! Eat real food, slowly. Mostly plants. If you can't rattle this off in your sleep yet, I have failed as a CrossFit coach! But check it out, there is a lot more to it like accountability and relationships, but at the same time, there's nothing more to it. By that I mean, you could have me or someone else guide you through eating personally and comprehensively, but at the same time, there's no secrets. The keys to the healthiest diet are right there - Eat Meats and Vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar! Eat real food, slowly. Mostly plants.- Truly, don't over complicate it. Like if you don't eat meat, whatever, replace meat with the word protein. And yes, there is sugar in fruit, starch and vegetables, but we mean things like soda and cookies and junk food for sugar.
Belonging to the CrossFit community, you learn a lot of stuff, like how to do an overhead squat and a million acronyms, AMRAP, EMOM, RFT, etc. We should also know by heart, "Eat Meats and Vegetables, Nuts and Seeds, Some fruit, little starch, and no sugar."