61418// Summer announcements
Thruster 1rm!
Summer Schedule for Teens and Kids!
CrossFit Kids will be on M/W at 5 for the Summer.
CF Teens will be M-Th at 6am through the Summer.
Open Gym! Until further notice, you can count on there being open gym M-F 4:30-6:30pm! A couple things to know:
This is an awesome opportunity for you to work on whatever you want! Here are some great reasons for attending open gym:
Mobility// fine tuning high skill movements// stress relief// alone time// you love hanging out at HCF// you love moving around.
Terrible reasons for attending open gym:
Punishment for something you ate// feeling like you need to work harder (you will be successful because of your intensity, not volume, in exercise).
You may use any equipment and space not being used in the programming that day.
You may not jump into a classβ WOD without warming up with the class. Basically, no changing your mind. This is for your safety.
You will have limited access to a coach. The coach is responsible for your safety, not your programming, technique, music availability or time keeping. Please limit questions to safety and use of equipment so that coaches can focus on athletes in their class. This also applies to other coaches attending open gym.
Weβre starting a foundations class! We continue to refine and reinvent ways to integrate new people into this wonderful community and a foundations class is the next step. This class was inspired by people who are interested in CrossFit, with no experience, and want to learn with others in the same boat. The class is designed for adults of all ages and abilities. We will teach the 9 foundational movements as well as others that you regularly see in our programming. Feel free to start telling your friends about this and have them give Mac a call. The start date will be Monday, July 9th and will run Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:30pm for 6 weeks. The cost of the course will be $150.