HCF Compassion First Partner Throwdown!!!

Be at the gym and ready to listen at 8:00am please! the first event will begin at 8:40am


Event 1  

10:00 AMRAP Rowing Calories

Partner “A”  Will begin with

Run 400m

30 Wall Ball Shots

20 Burpees

and begin rowing. After “A’s” 20th Burpee, partner  “B” will begin their run. After finishing the burpees, “B” can take over on the rowing and row until the end of 10:00. No switching back. Rx 20/14, Scaled and Teens 20/10. Burpees to a plate

Event 2

1 Rep max Squat Clean synchronized 

10:00 to establish a 1 rep max squat clean, but both partners must complete the lift at the same time with their own barbell. For any weight to count, both athletes must complete the lift. Scaled teams may do a power clean+ front squat.

Event 3

10:00 AMRAP

8 Lunges

12 Deadlift  

Rx 115/75 

Scaled 95/65

Teens 55

-One athlete working at a time

-The other athlete hangs from the rings

-Switch partners and weights every 20 reps

-Only one barbell per team

Final Event TBA

Nicole will be at the gym tomorrow for massage therapy! 15 minutes for $10! She’s kind enough to donate that $10 to the trip too! Make sure you get on her list! 

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