All the Things!
Zone Challenge Competitors: Now is one of the points in which you should check and adjust your Blocks if necessary! Please use your Food Journal and this Hormonal Adjustment Diagnostic Chart to make the necessary judgments regarding your proper Zone prescription. Please ask questions so we can best help you fine tune what prescription is best for you! Tomorrow, a name will be drawn from those of you participating in the challenge and will win a box of Progenex Bars of your choice! Keep up the good work!
Hormonal Adjustment Diagnostic Chart
3.18.17 Schedule
8am - First Timer's and New You make-up class.
9am - Warm up for 17.4 will be on the board. Arrange yourself into a heat on the board. Judges will be split between heats 1 and 3 so that we can have judges for heat 2 and heat 3 judges can have time to warm up after judging heat 1... make sense? We'll figure it out! We plan on open judging only taking a couple hours, if that, so please be at the gym no later than 10am if you want to do 17.4 on Saturday. Sunday, 17.4 judging will be from 1-3pm. If you need to arrange a time outside of Saturday//Sunday, please talk to me (Mac) and we'll make it work!
Next Saturday, 3.25.17
Nicole will be at the gym during our 17.5 Open judging time slot to do 1/2 hour sports massage sessions for $20! There will be 6 - 1/2 hour slots available from 8:30am - 11:30am. Get signed up for a slot with me (Mac again).
Compassion First Partner Throwdown! April 15th! Find your teammate and get signed up on the sign up sheet on the big whiteboard. The iPad has entry fees that you can ring yourself up for now too. If you are paying together, use the TEAM option and if you are just paying for yourself, use the PARTICIPANT option. We can't wait! This is going to be a blast!