Week of 2.20-2.24.17

The Open begins this week! If you haven't registered and are still on the fence, quit it! Just do the Open because it's fun and awesome and challenging and revealing and intriguing and everything else. Also we recommend taking the online Judging course because, not only will you have the opportunity to contribute to this community event in a really meaningful way, but the course itself is very educational as far as the movement standards that we teach and try to hold all of you to in the gym. The Open is $20 and the online Judges course is $10. If you need a breakdown of the value, here we go// For a mere $20 you get to enter into and experience worlds the largest sporting event. That means that you'll actually be ranked against more than 400,000 other athletes, a truly unique opportunity that isn't offered anywhere else. Each week, you'll experience a workout at an intensity that for the other 47 other weeks of the year we simply can't replicate in our normal workouts (even though we try really hard). There's also a freedom in having your score authenticated by a human other than yourself, an experience that is both humbling and empowering. You won't ask the question, "Should I count that rep? The ball might not have made it to the line." and because of that, when you're done, no one can question your efforts. And finally, my favorite part- signing up for the unknown. We have weaknesses and the Open will certainly expose those, because of that it's really fun to wait in anticipation for each week's workouts to be released with other people awaiting the same fate!

The next 5 weeks looks like this//

Saturday// 9:00am-11ish Open Judging- come to the gym, do the suggested warm-up, throw down, cool down, stick around and cheer others on! We will still have 8:00am class for trial workouts and New You Makeup. 

Sunday// If you absolutely cannot make Saturday's Open Judging, schedule a time in the morning with Coach Justin and KyLee to come to do the workout. Please only take advantage of this if you really need to. Also do not rely on this time either. SUNDAY is NOT guaranteed.

Thursday Nights// 5:00pm Open announcement viewing party in the front room! This doesn't effect the normal class schedule. If you wan't to watch the announcement, just don't workout at the 4:30 class

Friday// The WOD will be the Open Workout and should be a scheduled rest day for Open athletes. You can still come to class and practice the movements, but don't expect to be judged unless you've pre-arranged with a judge. The coach of the class cannot judge you while they are coaching class- Coaching...Judging, two contrasting roles, please do not even ask so we can avoid that awkward interaction of coach saying, "No, I thought we covered this."

Here's this week's programming


Repeat "11.3.16" look it up


Heavy day- Clean and Jerk- Sets and reps TBA


21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Dumbell Snatch and Burpee


Run 5k Rain or shine- Don't skip this, we'll be scaling the distances or movement for some athletes


Open workout 17.1


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