HCF Lifestyle Academy starts Monday!
Please forgive my unorganized thoughts- there is a lot to say, and heck- Devin's the English teacher, not me! 😂 If you're participating in the HCF Lifestyle Academy, you'll need to start tracking your food tomorrow! Some have asked, "So, are we supposed to eat Paleo, or Zone too?" Please do if that's something you've been considering! But no, we just want you to have a visual of what you're eating (or not eating) each day. Check back to Wednesday night's blog for the points breakdown. Tuesday will be the first time you show a coach your journal and we will keep track of your points on an index card by the computer where you log your workout score. When you get to the gym tomorrow, grab an index card, write your name on it and file it in the box. Remember, you must choose a teammate and your points combined will be compared to others' to see who wins the first week!
Also! If you haven't signed up for tomorrow's Bod Pod test and want to, check Friday's Blog's specific instructions on how to sign up. The trailer will be there from 7am- 7pm and there are lots of time slots left!
Monday's WOD
18 Minute AMRAP
10 DB Snatches 60/30
10 medicine ball chest pass 20/14
20 KB front rack lunge 44/26