4.17.15 The most confusing workout mode ever? possibly//
For Total Reps out of a possible 360- If ever the time catches you before you complete the section of work, your workout is finished.
0:00-4:00 - 40 Wall Balls
4:00-8:00 - 40 Lunges
8:00-12:00- 2 rounds of 10 Wall Balls and 10 Lunges
12:00-15:00- 40 WB
15:00-18:00 40 Lunges
18:00-21:00 2 Rnds 10 WB and 10 Lunges
21:00-23:00 40 WB
23:00-25:00 40 Lunges
25:00-27:00 2 Rnds 10 WB and 10 Lunges
well that was a mouthful! get it?! Your score is ____/360. 360 is a perfect score