Tuesday 2.24.15 workout// Just sign up for the Open already!


2 rounds for time

100 double unders

25 burpees to overhead target

325 metre run (exit and enter through the same door)

This is it! The first week of the 2015 CrossFit Games Open. If we haven't already convinced you to sign up for the competition with an estimated 220,000 athletes world wide, we'll keep trying to wear you down!


Someone asked me, "Like does it help you guys out or something?" Referring to Harvest and financially. A. I think that if had I said, "Yes, we get a cut of your registration." and she would have said, "Ok well alright then I'll do it." First of all how cool is it that most of our athletes have that attitude of wanting to help Harvest succeed more so than their own desire to do some stupid competition.  B. No, your registration strictly goes towards the cost for CrossFit to run the website and database of the 200k+ athletes in the Open.

So what do we get out of you competing in the Open? Truly, we just get to watch you push yourself to a new place that only competition can take you. It's the spice of our lives and what makes coaching every-day worth it.  Every evening, MacLarin and I lay in bed talking about the anecdotes of the day. Who set a new personal record? Who had a breakthrough? Who really pushed themselves or surprised us? We're fueled by even the smallest victories, and in the Open, people rise to the occasion and everyone has a great experience.

Last year, I was the Judge for a girl who weighs maybe 105#. The workout called for a progressively heavier deadlift and box jumps. The deadlift at one point was supposed to be 185#, and right before the workout, she said to me, "I don't think I'm going to get any at 185, thats like my max."// Laura got 11 reps at 185#. It was truly amazing.

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