Tuesday 1.20.15//


For Time


45 KB Swings 53/35

25 Box Jumps 30/24

60 Sit Ups

100 Double Unders

Run 1 Lap

Cool down//

Intentional Mobility- choose one to work on until the end of class. Only leave early if you really have to, like if your friend is having a baby or your house is on fire or something.

Thoracic//Hip Capsule//Shoulder Capsule//Ankle// 

Sweet highlights from yesterday//

Bend Amy dropped in and crushed it as prescribed! Matt Also kicked butt with his first chest to bar workout!

Jon did all his pull ups without a band!Just not chest to bar yet, but awesome still!

Leigh and Mac rocked all of their c2b pullups as prescribed:)

Mostly everyone grinded through some very tough and heavy squat cleans! A first time movement for HCF in the MetCon! 

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