Tuesday Workout 8.26.14// That HCF Oly Love

Dynamic Warmup and Thoracic Spine Mobility

BBG// Teach pulling from the ground for the clean or MedBall Clean

EMOM 10// a. 2 Power Cleans & 1 shoulder to overhead (jerk or push press) b. 3 Medicine ball cleans

MetCon// AMRAP 11// 6 OTB Burpees & 25m KB carry (53/35)

Sometimes CrossFit Gyms have their Schticks. Ellensburg CrossFit, where we came from made regular humans really freaking strong! I would like to be able to say that Harvest CrossFit will be immune to such biases, buuuutttt MacLarin really loves the barbell and Devin really loves the Barbell. So here is our 3rd EMOM Oly Complex in as many weeks of programming! ENJOY! 

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