Friday Workout 8.22.14
Dynamic Warmup
Kettle Bell Skill // KB Snatch 3x10 each arm
MetCon- TABATA PROTOCOL// Air Squats- Weighted Sit Ups (25/10)- kb snatch (53/35)- Box Jump overs// scored using the traditional TABATA "most reps" scoring!
"Saturday Free Partner Workouts" are intro-style super-fun team-workouts. You don't need to bring a partner, but it is appreciated! After the Partner workout, we spend a whole hour on mobility // stick around if you like. If you don't know what 'mobility' is, it is a term in the CrossFit world that groups stretching, self massage with foam rollers and other tools // though it will never replace a real massage//, and other neat techniques to loosen you up after a tough week of training.