Wednesday Workout 8.20.14// Wisdom WOD Thankfulness

WarmUp// Learn the Turkish Get Up. 5x Each Arm


4 min AMRAP- 6 Wall Ball Shots (20/14), 6 Burpees

~Rest 2 Minutes~

4 min AMRAP- 6 Thrusters (95/65), 6 TTB

~Rest 2 Minutes~

4 min AMRAP- 6 KBS (53/35), Box Jumps (24/20)


Finisher// (when you're good and rested) 90 Seconds ME Double Unders- No scale here, you must work on double unders for this one. If your score is 2, Great Job, next time you'll get 3!


Here is a list of stuff I'm thankful for without going into any detail //yes in this order, yes I play favorites:

1. God 2. Wife 3. Parents 4. In-Law Parents 5. Mads 6. Job 7. Health 8. Creativity 9. 2014 10. America 11. Barbell

There's other stuff, but MacLarin wants dinner right now. 

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