Phase 3 Medicine Ball


20:00 AMRAP

5 Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Medicine Ball Cleans

warm up

General Warm up 8-10 minutes

10 Scap Pull-ups. 10 kips. 1-2-3-4-5 pullups

10 pause squat. 10 Air Squat. 10 Drop Squat

Learn and/or practice medicine ball cleans. Scroll below to see a medball clean description


For Time

400m Run


Wall Balls & Burpees

400m Run

Warm Up

Jog 400m. Groiners. Leg Swings. butt kickers. clappers. skipping. heels and toes.

10 pause squats. 3 burpees. 10 air squats. 3 burpees. 10 Med ball push press. 3 burpees. 10 med ball front squat.

3x6 Wall Balls. Continue warming up until you have a good rolling sweat. start back at the beginning if you need ideas.


For Time

Lunge 400m holding the medicine ball

Warm Up.

8-10 minutes general cardio

10 Groiners. 20 Lunges

get after it!

Phase 2 Medicine Ball

2.1// Heavy β€œKaren”

For time

150 Wall Balls 30/20

Warm Up- 20 Burpees.

3x 10 Air Squats, :20 Plank, 10 prone snow angel

2x 5 Med ball front squat, 5 Med ball toss, 5 Wall balls


For time

1 Mile Med ball burden run. 

Warm Up- Skipping, butt kickers, clappers, calf stretch, quad stretch, hamstring stretch. Fast high knees 4x20. Heels and Toes


For Time

25 Med Ball Clean

25 Toes to Bar (v-up or leg raise scale)

100 Double Unders

25 Toes to Bar

25 Med Ball Clean 

Warm Up- General Cardio until you break a sweat (jog, bike, jump rope)

10 pause squats with a 4 second pause. 10 air squats. 10 drop squats. 

Learn and practice the medicine ball clean.

Jump Rope- 50 singles, Doubles 5-10-15-20-25.

Pullup bar- Scap pull ups. Kipping. Knee raise. Toes to Bar 1-2-3-4

"The medicine ball is somewhat less intimidating than a bar, weighs less and seems to be more suggestive of the practical functionality of the clean than is ...