Phase 3 Kettlebell
For Time
American Kettlebell Swings & Goblet Squats
*5 burpees anytime you put down the kettlebell
Warm Up
General Cardio 8-10 minutes
10 Deadlifts. 10 Squats. 2x10 Russian Swings. 10 Squats. 2x12 American Swings. 2x8 Gobblet Squats
For Time
400m Run
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull & Burpees
400m Run
Warm Up
Jog 400m. Groiners. Leg Swings. butt kickers. clappers. skipping. heels and toes.
10 deadlift. 3x10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull. Continue warming up until you have a good rolling sweat before starting the workout.
For Time
40 Turkish Get up (total)
20:00 Time Cap
Warm up
8-10 minute general cardio
3x 10 prone snow angels. 10 sit ups. 5 push ups
practice or learn turkish get up.
Phase 2 Kettlebell
5 Rounds for Time
12 Kettlebell Snatch Right Arm
100m Run
12 Kettlebell Snatch Left Arm
100m Run
Warm Up- General cardio until you break a sweat (Jog, bike, jump rope)
Kettlebell- 10 Deadlift. 10 accelerating Deadlift. 10 Russian swings. 10 single arm russian swing per arm. Practice kettlebell snatches
3 Rounds For Time
30 Double Unders (2:1 Scale)
20 Kettlebell Thruster (10 per arm)
10 Over the Kettlebell Burpee (lateral hop)
Warm Up- 50 single unders. Double Unders 5-10-15 stretch calves and ankle circles 20-25-30.
3x 5 Push Ups, 10 Squats, :20 Plank
4x(2 per arm) 5 Kettlebell Front Squat. 5 kettlebell push press. 5 kettlebell thruster
With a running clock- 3 Rounds for reps
1:00 Wall Sit
1:00 Gobblet Squat
1:00 Rest
1:00 Plank Hold
1:00 American Kettlebell Swing
1:00 Rest
Warm Up- General cardio until you break a sweat (Jog, bike, jump rope)
20-30 Air Squats
Kettlebell- 10 Deadlift. 10 Accelerating Deadlift. 3x10 Russian Swings. 3x10 American Swings