Phase 3 Feed Sack
10 Rounds for Time
200m Run
10 Feed Sack Squat Jumps
Warm Up
Jog 400m. 10 Groiners. Leg swings. 5 squats. butt kickers. 5 squats. skipping. 5 squats. clappers. 5 squats. Heels and toes 5 squats
practice shouldering the feed sack and squat jumps
10:00 AMRAP
6 V-Sit up
8 Burpees
14 Feed Sack Squat (women- back squat. men- zercher squat)
warm up.
General Cardio 8-10 minutes
10 groiners. Leg Swings. 10 pause squats. 10 air squats. 20 sit ups. 10 leg raises. practice v-sit ups. 10 burpees
For Time
30 Push Ups
30 Pull Ups
60 Sit Ups
60/40 Feed sack box step up 20/20
Warm Up
General Cardio 8-10 minutes
10 Step ups. 2 push ups. 10 step ups. 4 push ups. 10 step ups. 6 push ups
5-10 feed sack box step ups
Phase 2 Feed Sack
4 rounds with a running clock
1:00 Overhead Lunge
1:00 Handstand Push Up
1:00 Zercher Squat
1:00 Push Up
1:00 Rest
-score is total reps
Warm Up- General cardio until you break a sweat (Jog, bike, jump rope)
3x 10 Lunges, :20 Handstand Hold or Plank, 5 Push-ups
Practice the overhead lunge and zercher squat. Experiment with different ways to get it into position.
For Time
400m Feed Sack Run
50 Sit Ups
Run 800m
50 Sit Ups
400m Feed Sack Run
Warm Up- Skipping, butt kickers, clappers, leg swings, hamstring stretch, figure 4 stretch
Jog 400m
Practice putting the feed sack on your back.
4 Rounds for Time
40 Feed Sack Shoulder to Shoulder
50 Ft Crawl Drag (please only drag the feed sack on grass, mats, or smooth concrete.)
200m Run
Warm Up- General cardio until you break a sweat (Jog, bike, jump rope)
3x reverse bear crawl 20ft, 5 Push Ups, 50 jump rope single unders
Practice the feed sack shoulder to shoulder and the crawl drag