Phase 3 Dumbbells
5 Rounds for Time
Run 400m
20 Dumbbell Box step overs 50/35 (20’box)
Warm Up
Jog 400m. skipping. butt kickers. clappers
3x 10 box step overs. 5 push ups. 10 sit ups
12-15 feed sack box step over
10:00 AMRAP
14 Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerk Right Arm
7 Burpees
14 Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerk Left Arm
7 Burpees
Warm Up
General Cardio 8-10 minutes
10 Dumbbell Deadlift each arm. 10 Dumbbell hang clean each arm. 10 Dumbbell push press or jerk each arm
3x7 Dumbbell hang clean and jerk each arm
For time
Dumbbell Deadlift & Handstand Push Ups
Warm Up
General Cardio 8-10 minutes. 10 groiners. 10 jefferson curl. 10 roll to straddle
10 Dumbbell Deadlift. :20 Handstand or plank. 10 Dumbbell Deadlift. Headstand as needed. HSPU 1-2-3-4 as needed until HSPU feels loose and good. continue warming up until you have a good rolling sweat. If you need ideas just start back from the beginning again.
Phase 2 Dumbbells
With a Running Clock
1:00 Overhead Lunge
1:00 Front Squats
2:00 Overhead Lunge
2:00 Front Squats
3:00 Overhead Lunge
3:00 Front Squats
-Overhead Lunges are with 1 dumbbell
-Front Squats are with both dumbbells
-Score is total reps
Warm Up- General cardio until you break a sweat (Jog, bike, jump rope)
3x 10 Lunges, :20 Handstand Hold or Plank, 5 Push-ups
20 Air Squats starting slow and speeding up. 15 Front squats with one dumbbell. 10 Front Squats with both dumbbells.
10-20 Overhead Dumbbell lunge
7:00 AMRAP
5 Devil’s Press
25 Double Unders (40 Single Unders to scale)
Warm Up- 50 single unders. Double Unders 5-10-15 stretch calves and ankle circles 20-25-30.
3x both dumbbells- 5 Dumbbell Deadlift. 5 Dumbbell Push Press. 5 Burpees
Practice Devil’s Press
For Time
10 DB Clean and Jerk
15 Burpee Tuck Jump
20 DB Clean and Jerk
15 Burpee Tuck Jump
30 Alternating DB Snatch
15 Burpee Tuck Jump
40 Alternating DB Snatch
15 Burpee Tuck Jump
Warm Up- General cardio until you break a sweat (Jog, bike, jump rope)
1 Dumbbell- 10 Deadlift per arm. 10 Deadlift High Pull per arm. 10 Dumbbell snatch per arm
2 Dumbbells- 10 DB power clean. 10 DB Push Jerk. practice DB clean and Jerk