72419 Challenge
Heavy Day//
How Much Ya Bench?
What is the thing keeping you from changing your body? You certainly know. I don’t know a single person training at HCF who is genuinely oblivious to what is holding them back. The obese child double fisting a candy bar and soda- yes they’re oblivious. But you are smart enough to have a career that can pay for a premium service like CrossFit- you know your thing.
I guarantee that it already popped into your head and it’s already causing you a bit of anxiety thinking about cutting it out or even cutting it back. You’re already starting to make excuses as to why you can’t or won’t stop it. “Ehh that’s a bit creepy. Get out of my head Devin!”
Just to be fair, I’ll share my thing. Things. And how I’m chipping away at them. Over all, I love to party (Drink good drinks, eat good food, with friends). I would work really hard and eat really clean all week. Then Friday night, treat myself and Mac, a couple beers, burger, fries, desert. Saturday, friends, same. Sunday, probably same, at least finish the beers in the fridge, “can’t have those tempting me all week.” I realized that my friends really don’t care if I keep it clean on the weekend (except Chris, he hates it, he’s lame). Moderation is really hard on my addictive personality so just one Beer, a normal sized burger and stopping when I’m full is nearly impossible. I realized that Zero beers is easier than 1. And zero cookies is easier than just a few. Surprisingly, I still have friends- wow amazing!
Where am I at now? Making serious progress, more than I have in years. Yes I miss beers- I don’t miss weighing 240 lbs. Yes I miss cookies- I also really enjoy seeing my jaw. Even so, as a clever human, I found that I can drink hard seltzer or hard liquor on my plan. I know full well though that whenever I get two weekends without drinking, my progress accelerates. Winning is fun. I’ll find the way to tackle that challenge next.
The point is that we all have our thing, or a couple of things. It’s our nature to cling onto that which gives us comfort and just submit to its power, rather than at least entertaining the idea of facing that challenge. You can tackle it hardcore, you may or may not be successful. You can take baby steps to change the habit, may or may not work. You cannot though stubbornly keep it central in your life, make excuses for it, or work around it, and expect to see any sort of positive change.
If you truly don’t know what’s holding you back, we’re happy to have an honest and judgement free conversation with you.
Change is hard! That’s why we call it a challenge, but I really believe you’re capable of tackling the hardest challenges holding you back. If anything, I just want to prick your conscious and challenge you to honestly imagine your life without that thing you’re gripping so tightly.