72619 Keto/Low Carb/Re-wind


16:00 AMRAP

Run 1 Lap

10 Med ball cluster shots 30/20

5 Pull-overs

I think it is time to address, or maybe update our feelings on the Ketogenic Diet. To start let’s look back to about a year and a half ago. I picked up a nutritionist/nutrition coach certification through a company called Precision Nutrition. It is very comprehensive when it comes to the mechanisms of our metabolism, all readily available knowledge and what I would say, university level curriculum. I would say I have a strong command of why and how we gain and lose weight or fuel daily life from a scientific standpoint as well as lot of the psychology behind the habits that effect those things as well. Also, around the same time, I was interested in creating content helpful to athletes at the gym. One video in particular served the exact opposite purpose I intended. I basically trashed the Keto diet and took the stance from Precision Nutrition that keto isn’t a viable option for CrossFitters. I wanted discussion, but really, I just alienated a group interested in low-carb. I even went as far as to tell a couple people that I would not coach their nutrition through Keto. Once upon a time our community talked about food a lot, and with that mistake, really just made myself unapproachable because of a Dogma I endorsed. If you know me, I don’t like dogmas in fitness and health. I lost touch and influence with many people which sucks.

Fast forward. You may already know the story. Mac and I applied for a new life insurance policy and I didn’t get the ‘Select’ rate because I weigh too much. Everything else they tested put me in the best price bracket except for my weight. Being the prideful dude I am, I’ve taken on the task of getting down within their build parameters. I’ve dumped weight the low carb way in the past and just decided to jump full into Keto knowing full well that I’d probably have to eat crow and backpedal my stance on keto. That time has arrived.

So what is our Keto stance? “Open, but honest.” Which I think you’ll see is the best stance to take.

What the heck is ‘Keto’? Keto, is short for Ketogenic and it’s a diet that prescribes you to eat most of your calories from fat, a moderate amount from protein and very few carbohydrates. Very few as in, none on purpose, none from anything starchier than a green veggie. That prescription serves the purpose to achieve a state called Ketosis, which is when your body protects and saves muscle glycogen by producing ketone bodies for your brain to use as fuel. In ketosis, your liver produces ketones from fat so your brain can function.

“So you’re saying, I can eat mostly tasty fat and my liver is going to burn off my muffin top to feed my noggin’? Sounds freaking amazing!” Yes that does sound awesome, and from an advertiser or Youtube Guru’s point of view, yes that is how it works. Our stance though is, like I said, Open and Honest. Stay tuned to the blog to follow my progress (hopefully progress!) using Ketosis to get into that cheap life insurance bracket, and maybe beyond.

Devin Jones