Med Ball 4.1
For Time
40 Push-Ups
80 Sit Ups
120 Med Ball Lunges
Warm Up- 7:00 General Cardio (jogging, biking, jump rope, etc.), 15 burpees
3x 3 Push ups, 5 Sit Ups, 8 Lunges
Practice Lunging with the Medicine ball
Med Ball 4.2
For Time
Med Ball Thruster
1:00 plank after each set
Warm Up. Jefferson Curl, Roll to Straddle, Groiners, 5 Pause Squats, 20 Air Squats, 10-15 PVC or Broomstick shoulder pass through.
Practice Med Ball Thruster: The best description might be a wall ball without throwing the ball. The main difference being that you’ll finish the thruster with the medicine ball fully locked out directly overhead.
Med Ball 4.3
30 Rounds For Time
10 Med Ball Deadlift
4 Burpees
Warm Up- 7:00 General Cardio. 5 inch-worm. 5 burpees
Practice the med ball deadlift: Be sure to try and achieve a flat back even though the ball is very light relative to your deadlift. Stand up to full extension.
Med Ball 4.5
20:00 AMRAP
20 Med Ball Sit Ups
Run 200m w/ the Med Ball
Warm Up: Measure 200m. 3x Jog 200m. 5 squats. 5 push ups. 5 sit ups
Practice the med ball sit up: The ball must touch the ground above your head when your shoulders are on the ground and touch the ground between your legs when you’ve sat up.
Practice running with the med ball: carry it anyway except for with your fingers in those little loops. Tugging on those loops can cause the seams to separate more than they already are.