Hear Les’ Story…
Bring-a-Friend Week! March 17-21
Almost all of you are a part of the Harvest Community because your friend invited you. Some of you were reluctant, some nervous, and some curious, but thankful to have a familiar face by your side. Times haven’t changed. Your friends are curious, but they’re nervous. You’re probably already thinking of someone… Go ahead- invite them now! You get to hand-pick the person you workout next to that week.
NEW Kids Class!
Join us for a 9-week class starting in April that will help your kiddos get their wiggles out and teach them to love movement!
Ongoing CrossFit Kids Classes!
We use games to teach our kids to control their own bodies in space as well as other objects! If you’re looking for a way to get their wiggles out, sign up for CrossFIt Kids!
InBody Body Composition Testing
Learn what you’re made of with inbody! A 45 second scan measures 25 metrics about your Body Fat, Muscle mass and Water retention. Once you know what you’re made of you can track your progress toward your goals!
Current Members: $30/scan
In body 12 month membership: $18/month
Fitness For All Ages
adults//teens//kids//seniors//we have a class for you, or consider personal training with us!
The Harvest CrossFit COMMUNITY is the secret to your success.
At HCF, there is no room for egos or bad attitudes. Kindness and Consistency thrive here.
Sound like the place for you?